Rockstar Energy Open VQS | Submission Now Open
Want to battle with the top pro skaters? Submit your video to enter the Rockstar Energy Open’s “Video Qualifier Series.” This open skate competition is coming to Portland, Oregon, from August 23rd-25th, and the top male and female video qualifiers will win a trip to compete against the world’s best. To enter, post a 30-second to 1-minute skate video to Instagram using the hashtag #RSOPENVQS. Videos will be judged by pros and skateboarders on THEPLATFRM.COM.
Submissions open on June 5th and close on August 2nd, with weekly cash prizes of $1,000 for the best men’s and women’s videos, and an additional $2,500 for the best trick overall. Pros, amateurs, and flow skaters, this is your time to shine.
Don’t miss your chance to win a trip to the Rockstar Energy Open in Portland and compete against the best. Start stacking those clips and get posting today! Winners will be announced on August 7th. For more information and rules, head over to THEPLATFRM.COM