VQS Women’s Street Qualifier Photos + Highlights | RSEO 2024

Mei Ozeki.
The Rockstar Energy Open opened on Friday with the VQS Women’s Street Qualifier, featuring eight women who earned their way in through the fan voting on video clips they submitted for the opportunity.
The top 4—Japan’s Mei Ozeki, Australia’s Felicity “Flic” Turner, and Americans Kylie Frank and Taylor Burnett advance to the Semifinal.

Felicity Turner.
FORMAT: 8 skaters, best of 2 runs, top 4 advance to Semifinal
“I feel so happy right now,” Ozeki said after the contest, with a translation assist from Emiko Sugiyama. “At the end of practice yesterday, I fell on the big rail and was crying. I called my mom in Japan for motivation and encouragement so that I could push through the boundary of fear about hitting the rail again, and then today in practice I made it every time.”

Kylie Frank.
Ozeki filmed part of her VQS entry video while visiting Sugiyama’s family earlier this summer, including her boardslide on the 16-stair rail at Hollywood High; landing it, at age 11, made her the youngest woman ever to document a trick at the notorious street spot.
Now she’s on her way to skate against some personal heroes in the Semifinal, including one who has been a role model since she started skating.

Taylor Burnett.
“Mariah Duran is my favorite,” Ozeki said. “I’m so excited to get to skate in a contest with her!”
TOP 4 ADVANCING (Trick Highlights)
- Mei Ozeki (Run 1: 85.66) landed several more tricks than everyone else because she didn’t get off her board to keep it moving. She set the tone early,taking the lead from Run 1, with highlights including a 50-50 on the big Hubba, a gap out to front board from the 2-block to rail, and a Smith grind on the bump to box ledge.
- Felicity Turner (Run 1: 77.33) had a great noseslide on the big Hubba, a kickflip over the wedge, and a crooked grind from the bump to box
- Kylie Frank (Run 2: 71.66) highlights included a crooked grind on the box, feeble grind down the handrail, a kickflip from the bump, and an Ollie dow the 3-block.
- Taylor Burnett (Run 4: 54.76) had a kickflip over the wedge, backside 50-50 on the bump to box, an alley-oop Ollie off the quarterpipe, and a heelflip on the wedge.
Photos by Andrew Durso
VQS Women’s Street Qualifier Results
- OZEKI Mei JPN 85.66
- TURNER Felicity AUS 77.33
- FRANK Kylie USA 71.66
- BURNETT Taylor USA 54.76
- DARNALL Jessie USA 46.90
- BROWNELL Josslyn USA 41.83
- CASTILLO Amanda USA 34.83
- PERRONE Angie USA 12.07