Mizuho Hasegawa Wins Women’s Park Final Photos + Highlights | RSEO 2024

From left to right: Yurin Fujii in third, Mizuho Hasegawa in first, and Ruby Trew in second.

The first Final at the inaugural Rockstar Energy Open is in the books with Mizuho Hasegawa on top, sharing the Women’s Park podium with Ruby Trew and Yurin Fujii.

Mizuho Hasegawa.

FORMAT: 12 skaters competing, best of 3 runs counts.

“Everybody Watches Women’s Skateboarding,” read a sign in the crowd. Seeing the fans, hearing the cheers and checking out the supportive signs were some of Hasegawa’s favorite parts from the night.

Bryce Wettstein.

“My hope is that some of the other young girls in the crowd and watching from home want to start skating after watching me have so much fun here,” she said. 

Hasegawa was trailing from deep in the field after a fall near the end of her first run and another at the beginning of her second run. She turned it on in Run 3 to take over the top spot from Trew, who’d held it from Run 1.

Kihana Ogawa.

“I handled the pressure by going over and getting a big hug from my mom before my last run,” said Hasegawa, the 13-year-old from Japan.  

Hasegawa’s Run 3 combined tech tricks like her kickflip Indy on the vert wail with proper pool skating style on her frontside tailslide, backside Smith grind, and backside lipslide, before ending with a show-stopping varial Weddle transfer over the hip.

Lilly Erickson.

Trew had an opportunity to answer as the last in the start order, but had an early fall of her own.  

“I’m very, very happy right now,” Hasegawa said in English after the contest. She has had a lot of chances to practice her English in podium interviews, after a string of recent podium appearances including a Vert win at Tampa Pro in April and three X Games silver medals since 2023. “I was especially stoked to land my kickflip Indy, as some of the other girls were trying the same trick and falling.”

Lilly Strachan.

Ruby Trew said she was most fueled by the energy from all of her competitors. 

Ruby Trew.

“My highlight was all the girls pushing each other putting all their tricks down,” Trew said. “It’s my first time in Portland and I’m having so much fun. The course is really fun, we’ve had a lot of practice on it. I’m so excited to be here meeting so many new people and experiencing it all together. It’s definitely one I’ll remember.”

Yurin Fujii never quite made the McTwist she was attempting in her runs, but got redemption with it shortly after the Park Final, taking MVP honors after stomping it in the Best Trick Jam. 

Minna Stess.

“It’s a trick I’ve really only done when filming without a lot of pressure on, and I’m hoping to work into my runs more regularly,” Fujii said.   

Yurin Fujii.

Fujii’s favorite part of the contest? “I loved having all the guys from the Men’s Park field on the deck and a lot of the Street skaters in the crowd, cheering and showing their support.”

TOP 6 (Trick Highlights)

Jordan Santana.
  • Mizuho: Kickflip Indy on vert wall, frontside tailslide over hip, proper back Smith and back lip, backside varial Weddle over hip.
  • Ruby Trew: Stylish frontside boardslide rock and roll, backside Smith, 50-50 across gap, and a proper frontside invert.
  • Yurin Fuji: Blasting the biggest backside and frontside airs of the day, including a frontside air transfer and a frontside air to nosebonk on a pool coping extension. She attempted her McTwist at the end of Run 3, going for the win, but just missed it (then won MVP honors with it in the Best Trick Jam shortly after the Park Final).
  • Minna Stess: Indy air transfer from bowl to bowl, backside nosegrind on the pool coping extension, kickflip Indy over the hip. 
  • Jordan Santana: Really good McTwist and really long lipslide in the deep end corner.
  • Grace Marhoefer: Tuck knee eggplant, slob fast plant, 50-50 frontside grab off the bowl to bowl ledge. Grace seemingly had the biggest fan squad in the stands, or at least the fans with the most handmade signs, including Women’s Street competitors Secret Lynn’s “Grace for President” sign and Kylie Frank’s “We L❤VE Grace” sign.  

Mami Tezuka.

Women’s Park Final Results

  1. HASEGAWA Mizuho JPN 87.61
  2. TREW Ruby AUS 84.32
  3. FUJII Yurin JPN 77.26
  4. STESS Minna USA 76.18
  5. SANTANA Jordan USA 75.04
  6. MARHOEFER Grace USA 73.18
  7. WETTSTEIN Bryce USA 73.00
  8. OGAWA Kihana JPN 72.26
  9. KUSAKI Hinano JPN 71.27
  10. TEZUKA Mami JPN 70.51
  11. STRACHAN Lilly GBR 67.48
  12. ERICKSON Lilly USA 62.41