2024 Rockstar Energy Open Skateboarder

Ryan Carrell

Charismatic off the board and incredible on it, Ryan Carrell is a great skateboarder and humble, fun-to-be-around homie. Hailing from the Inland Empire–San Bernardino, to be exact–Ryan has been popping up in recents years across the magazine pages (yes, print is still a thing, and some dudes are still getting featured!) and interweb with clips. His pop is what you will remember. Huge shuv-its. Beautiful backside heelflips. And a variety of ledge tricks that quickly escalate from mild to wild, so watch out. Also his trademark smile. Ryan is so friendly and is always putting out good vibes with his world class smile, so much so that he found himself hooked up with Zero Below Grillz making his smile even brighter. When his hair is grown out you can find him skating with a pick in it, ensuring it is forever fresh. Ryan is the real deal. Fly, friendly and sick on a skateboard.


San Bernardino, California

August 09, 1997


Dgk, Pawn Skate Shop, Bones Bearings, Bones Wheels, Thunder Trucks, alveer, Talk Hardware, Nixon