2024 Rockstar Energy Open Skateboarder

Felicity Turner

Felicity Turner, or Flic if you’re a friend, has traveled a long  way from Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia and her humble beginnings on a skateboard. Flic started skateboarding at 11 years old when she found a skateboard on the side of the road on her way home from school. Since then, a whole world has opened up to her. Nowadays Flic is supported by the Illawarra Academy of Sport, a non-profit that provides training and schooling for elite athletes. Following her entry into the Video Qualifier Series as part of the first-ever Rockstar Energy Open, Flic found herself not only flying to Portland, Oregon to compete on-site at the inaugural event, but then she advanced through to the semi final to skate along the world’s best. Keep on eye out for more from Flic.


Wollongong, Australia

November 11, 2006


Kingpin Skate Shop, Ichpig, Flow: Nike SB, Toy Machine Skateboards, Slappy Trucks