If you’ve been paying any sort of attention lately, then of course you are familiar with Keet Oldenbeuving. The pride of Utrecht, Netherlands, Keet actually became the flagbearer for her country at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Now a two-time Olympian with contest accolades and appearances across all the major events like Street League, X Games, Rockstar Energy Open, Dew Tour, and a three-time consecutive champion of the Mystic Sk8 Cup (20211-’23)—you’d have to be in a coma to miss her. Keet grew up skating at Griftpark in Utrecht with her father, Henno and today credits Leticia Bufoni and Candy Jacobs as her favorites to do it. For a peek of Keet in the streets, check her 2023 video part “Don’t Walk” for Santa Cruz Skateboards. If you didn’t know, now you know. Keet is killer on a skateboard but also a total pleasure to hang out with anywhere else, othin but subdued smiles and good vibes at all times.
Utrecht, Netherlands
September 1, 2004
Santa Cruz Skateboards, MOB Grip, Independent Trucks, Ben G Skate Shop, Nike, OJ Wheels, Bronson Speed Co., Broski Hardware