Yurin Fuji hails from Chigasaki City, Kanwagawa, Japan, but she can be found ripping bowls and standing on podiums worldwide. Tossing out kickflip Indys and McTwists with the best of them, Yurin shows no fear and is truly one to be reckoned with at any event. If you’ve ever seen her take a major slam and simply shake it off, it is enough to know how much a force she really is. She also takes time to stack clips for her sponsors, look for her in edits from OJ Wheels and Creature Skateboards.
Kanagawa, Japan
January 6, 2006
Nixon, Independent Trucks, 187 Killer Pads, Nike, OJ Wheels, Creature Skateboards, Bones Bearings, Pro-Tec, Hasco Skateboards. Murasaki Sports, GoPro