
Dylan Jaeb, Franky Villani, Art Cordova at Dickies Demo for Sixes and Sevens Skate Shop

A big part of skateboarding’s attributes that we don’t see around as often are team signings and demos at your local skate shop. Well, the Dickies crew posse up to change that and head to San Diego’s Sixes and Sevens skate shop in Rancho Peñesquitos to do the damn thang. “I think skateboarding is the most impressive when you see it in person and these community activations, hanging out with kids, shops, and demos are all part of our culture, and we need to start bringing it back,” comments Dickies TM Joe Monteleone who helped make it all happen. Watch Dylan Jaeb, Franky Villani, Art Cordova, Vincent Alvarez, and Ronnie Sandoval ripping for the local scene and a special appearance from Guy Mariano singing away at posters!